Blackthérapie: Matriarcat et afro-féminisme

Dernière date: 
samedi 1 avril 2017 16:00 - 18:00

Lieu: Aux 5 Sens Wilson  |  Ville: Genève, Suisse

Participation: CHF 25.- 

Intevenante: Chrystelle Kedi (Paris, Londres)

I am a Creative beauty & fashion (business) consultant & Author. A Bantu woman born in Paris, living in London and Yaounde, working globally. Blog on Services available upon request.


1) Beautifying the body in ancient Africa and today by Christelle KEDI

2) Afropolitanism and Black blogosphere by Christelle KEDI


Rue des Pâquis 36, 1201 Genève, Suisse


Google Maps


Toutes les Dates

  • samedi 1 avril 2017 16:00 - 18:00

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