Appel à projets sur les personnes d'ascendance africaine

Dernière date
vendredi 20 avril 2018 00:00
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A l'occasion de la Décennie Internationale des personnes d'ascendance africaine (2015-2024), dont le thème est "Reconnaissance, Justice, Développement",  la section Anti-Discrimination du Haut-Commissariat aux Droits de l'Homme de l'ONU lance un appel à projet auprès des organisations de la société civile. Il est impératif d'écrire à l'adresse suivante pour demander tous les formulaires nécessaires à l'envoi de projet: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

Les formulaires à demander sont:

- Aplication form

- budget template 

La date limite d'envoi est le 20 avril.

L'appel à projet et les formulaires sont en anglais mais il est possible d'y répondre en français. 



IIn 2018, the Anti-Racial Discrimination Section of OHCHR intends to support civil society organizations, working on issues related to people of African descent. For this purpose, the Section invites grassroot civil society organizations to submit project proposals that focus on the International Decade for People of African Descent “People of African descent: recognition, justice and development” and that are in line with General Assembly resolution 69/16. 


The duration of the proposed project cannot exceed 12 months. The maximum amount requested from OHCHR for the implementation of this project cannot exceed 10,000 USD. The project proposal must not exceed 10 pages (attachments such as scanned copies of NGO’s registration, CVs of staff etc. do not count). For this purpose, please fill in duly all the sections of the application form, include the required documents (scanned copy of NGO’s registration certificate, CVs of staff etc.) and budget excel sheet, and send the complete application package to the following email address: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.. Deadline for applications: 20 April 2018. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered


Projects’ activities can include, amongst others, the following:

·         seminars, workshops, trainings;

·         capacity building activities;

·         institutional strengthening activities and

·         advocacy


The following types of activity will not be covered:

·         individual sponsorships for participation in workshops, seminars, conferences, congresses;

·         one-off conferences;

·         capital expenditure, e.g. land, buildings, equipment and vehicles;

·         individual scholarships for studies or training courses;

·         supporting political parties; and

·         sub-contracting


An NGO applicant may not submit more than one application under this call for proposals. Any organisation submitting more than one application will NOT be considered.


If you are a former fellow of the OHCHR fellowship for people of African descent and are applying on behalf of an NGO, please indicate this in your email, as well as the year when you attended it. 


Due to the number of applications, only short-listed applicants will be notified.


Please note that, as per usual practice, grantees will receive 80% of the requested amount (not exceeding 10,000 USD per project for up to 12 months) at the beginning of the project implementation and the remaining 20% after the end of the project — once the financial documents have been checked and verified by the auditors and submitted to OHCHR. 


Priority will be given to applications submitted by small, grassroot organisations


Toutes les Dates

  • Du lundi 19 mars 2018 00:00 au vendredi 20 avril 2018 00:00

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