Call for Submissions-New Forum for People of African Descent
Call for Submissions
New Forum for People of African Descent
A Forum for People of African Descent will start in 2015. We invite you to get involved in making it a successful platform to advance the promotion and protection of human rights.
The United Nations General Assembly decided, in resolution A/RES/69/16, to establish a Forum for People of African Descent to serve as a consultation mechanism during the International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2024). There is an emphasis on inclusive participation of all States Members of the United Nations, United Nations funds and programmes, specialized agencies, civil society organizations of people of African descent and all other relevant stakeholders.
The United Nations Human Rights Council, will decide further on the mandate and modalities of the Forum for People of African Descent.
In anticipation of the Human Rights Council discussion, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, as Coordinator for the International Decade for People of African Descent, invites interested stakeholders, individuals, groups and organizations to submit information on their vision for the new Forum for People of African Descent.
In your submission it would be useful to include your views on the following aspects: What should be the aims and objectives of the Forum for People of African Descent, its thematic focus, the format and the agenda, how to ensure wide participation in the Forum and what should be its outcomes?
Procedure for submissions:
- Submissions should be sent in a written form and must include the contact details for the author(s) of the submission.
- OHCHR will receive submissions until 25 February 2015, midnight Geneva time.
- Submissions may be sent:
By email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
By post to: International Decade for People of African Descent, Anti-Racial Discrimination Section, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), UNOG-OHCHR, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Due to resource and time constraints, OHCHR would be grateful if submissions could be clearly marked Forum for People of African Descent, be concise up to 1-page, in English, French and Spanish only.
All Dates
- From Friday, 13 February 2015 00:00 to Wednesday, 25 February 2015 23:59